Childcare Info
Childcare for children ages 0-4 is available during all worship services in the nursery, which is located at the north end of the first floor in our preschool. FPC childcare uses the 2 year olds preschool classroom and has both changing table and child potty facilities available as well as indoor and outdoor play spaces. Our Childcare Coordinator, Erin Lawson, is the former lead teacher for the 2 year old classroom (Ladybug Classroom) in our Presbyterian Preschool. All nursery workers and volunteers have been through our Child Protection Training, and there are always at least two adults (18+) present with the children.
Childcare is also available during congregational meetings, trainings/workshops, and some fellowship events (Dine with Nine in particular) and is available during choir rehearsals and in-person evening committee meetings on request through the Church Office.
On a Sunday morning or for a non-worship event, you will be asked to leave your contact information along with any allergy or other pertinent information for your child with the nursery workers.
If you have questions about our childcare facilities, please contact Church Administrator, Magdalena Vinson.