Children’s Ministry
Sunday Morning
11:00 a.m.
We love to have children in worship; their wiggles and noises are welcome and often evoke a smile or helpful hands from the community. We are most fully the people of God when we are gathered for worship, service, learning, and fellowship together with all ages. We learn, worship, serve, and build community best when we honor the perspectives and gifts of all ages.
We invite families to use any of these options, depending on the day…
Learn More
Children’s Worship Bags
Reader and Early Reader bags are available just to the right as you enter the sanctuary for worship. The bags contain a children’s worship bulletin, coloring sheet and crayons, wikki stix, pipe cleaners, lacing toys, stickers, and more to engage children in worship.
A nurturing and well-equipped space for our youngest children (generally birth to age 3) is available each Sunday morning in the Preschool hallway (room 116).
For children ages 3-3rd grade
During 11:00 a.m. worship service following the Time with Children. (mid-August to mid-May)
Children and Worship is designed to give children age-appropriate ways to praise God, pray to God, listen, and respond to God. We hear and see stories of God from the Bible as the Storyteller uses wooden figures, simple structures, and even a small piece of the desert to share the ancient stories. We dive deeper into the Bible stories by wondering aloud about biblical stories and the mysteries of God. During Response Time, children have a chance to work with the story materials themselves and engage with the stories through art work, puzzles or books.
The children will follow the worship banner out of the sanctuary and be met by volunteers who will lead them to the Westminster Room for a time of age-appropriate worship and activities. Parents may pick up their children in the Westminster Room at the conclusion of worship, except on days when Communion is offered, when children will rejoin their families in worship to experience the wonder of the sacrament with their family and come to understand Christ’s welcoming of the children to the table.
Sunday School – Sundays from 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. (mid-August to mid-May)
For children Pre-K to 5th grade
All children ages 4 to 5th grade begin in the Worship Center (first floor, between the Hospitality Center and the Multipurpose Room/Preschool) for Gathering Time at 9:45am.
After a time of fellowship and singing, children will go to their classes with their teachers at 10:00am. Parents can pick up their children at 10:45am in the Worship Center.
Faith Kid-nection Sunday School
For Pre-K – Kindergarteners
Children Pre-K to kindergarten age are invited to join in play, games and songs as we explore God’s love, grow in faith, and learn how to share God’s love with others using the Dwell curriculum. This class meets in room 122 in the preschool wing. Children may be dropped off and picked up in the Worship Center.
Faith Kid-nection Teachers are Melody Reavis, Ellen Ingram, and Ella Parsons
SpiritLink Sunday School
For 1st-5th graders
How do children learn? The answer to the question can be almost as varied as the children in a classroom. Some learn best through words. Others through music. Still others through nature or movement.
Because we know this, children in our SpiritLink classes spend 5-6 weeks with the same Bible story, looking at the story from a variety of perspectives and activities – through listening to a story, acting it out, conducting a science experiment, cooking, creating through art, playing games, music, or more! Teachers vary based on what rooms are open, but our shepherds faithfully tend to our children each Sunday as a consistent relational presence.
Shepherd: Suzii Parsons
Modern Magi: Dustin & Virginia Charter
Scrolls & Scribes: Pascha Franklin
Thou Art: Kim Leffingwell and Shannan Frohock
On Location: Nicole Frohling
Burning Bush Theater: Courtney & Eric Savage
Bread of Life Cafe: Eric Windhausen
Children’s Ministry @ FPC
We also have a number of events for children and their families here at FPC that take place outside of Sunday mornings. Anyone with children/grandchildren ages 5th grade and younger is invited to join us for these fellowship and ministry events!
Faith Milestones
These milestones mark significant moments in growth and faith development as we share foundational aspects of our faith and faith practices. Our milestone celebrations and events occur throughout the year.
Children’s Ministry Milestones
Baptism: As families decide
Kindergarten & 1st Grade: Your Body Belongs to You
3rd Grade: Exploring My Bible
3rd-5th Grade: Communion (note: this is an opportunity for learning more about Communion and not a first communion class. Children are invited to participate in the Lord’s Supper at any time.)
3rd-5th Grade: Ready, Set, Worship!
3rd Grade Bibles
This year, we will present bibles to our 3rd graders during worship on Sunday, November 3rd. 3rd graders and their adults are invited to attend an ‘Exploring Your Bible’ class at 9:45 am on Sunday, November 10th in the Multipurpose Room.
Resources for Families
FPC’s Faithful Families
The family is the number one influence on the faith life of children and youth. FPC is here to equip you and support you in this important role. On our Faithful Families website, you’ll find resources to engage in faith conversations and activities with children and youth, in addition to a number of resources specifically for parents/grandparents.
A safe, positive, and nurturing environment for our children and youth is important to us at First Presbyterian Church. Our staff and volunteers provide at least two adults per room for proper supervision and all who work with our children and youth have completed training and a background check per our FPC Child Protection Policy.