First Time Visitors
We welcome all people at First Presbyterian Church – Stillwater!

A congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
FPC’s divine worship embodies Presbyterian reformed theology in liturgy (the words we use in worship) and sacred music, and it warmly welcoming of God’s children of all ages. We have one worship service at 11:00 am each Sunday morning, a family-oriented corporate worship service with communion monthly on first Sundays and other holy days, and choral leadership by the Chancel Choir.
Also during the school year, we have Sunday school classes for all ages from 9:45 – 10:45am.
Parking is available in our lot at 6th and Duck and along 5th Street or Duncan Street. There are handicap parking spots in the parking lot and in the alleyway between the two buildings. Our entrances on the north side off 5th Street, the west entrance under the portico, and the southeast entrance are all handicap accessible.
Childcare for ages 0-4 is provided in the nursery during worship and Sunday School, and Children & Worship for children ages 3 years to 3rd grade is offered most Sundays during the 11:00 am service.

Visiting during the week
If you’re visiting us during the week, our office hours are Monday-Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. With reasonable caution for our Preschool, our building doors are locked, but if you call the church office when you arrive, someone will come let you in.
The Church Office number is 405-372-5580 and our general email address is You may also reach out to us via social media.

For questions about the Presbyterian Preschool, please call Director Dana Brown at 405-372-5476 or visit the website below.