Mission Co-Workers
During the summer of 2019, we entered into a relationship of financial and prayer support for PC(USA) Mission Co-Workers Jed and Jenny Koball and Chenoa Stock, and their families, who serve in Peru.
Read more about them and their ministries below.
Jed and Jenny’s ministry has impact both in Peru and in the United States. Jed accompanies the Joining Hands network in Peru as they identify and interpret root causes of poverty in Peru, such as mining contamination, global warming, and unfair trade agreements. In this capacity, Jed facilitates the relationship between the Joining Hands network in Peru and PC(USA) congregations as they develop strategies together to address these daunting problems. Jenny coordinates the Young Adult Volunteers (YAV) program in Peru, organizing volunteer and cultural immersion experiences in Peru for US young adults and shepherding them and the receiving organizations in a year of service, mutual learning, and the building of Christian community.
Chenoa Stock serves in Peru as delegations and partnership coordinator for PERUSA, a new program of the Joining Hands Network. Through this program, she works with PC(USA) delegations to foster partnerships with our Peruvian covenant partners, the Evangelical Church of Peru (IEP), and the Joinng Hands Peru Network. Chenoa organizes, accompanies, and interprets for visiting delegations, helping to ensure that these visits reflect the mutual mission priorities of the partners. Chenoa feels that there is no greater way to experience God’s presence than to watch God’s hands and feet come together through partnership to work toward a common mission goal. This mutual and transformative mission overflows with God’s unconditional love.