Prayer Shawl Ministry

Members of the congregation, primarily composed of our Second Mile Sewers, knit and crochet prayer shawls which are given to individuals experiencing crisis, illness, or transition in their life. Prayer Squares can be sent to service men and women serving our country overseas or given to anyone who would appreciate carrying one in their pocket or purse.
Prayer Shawls that have been blessed in worship are located in the glass-fronted wall closet in the Hospitality Area. If you would like a prayer shawl for yourself or would like to give one to a friend or family member, please look there for a shawl of your liking. The yellow prayer card stays with the shawl, and the smaller white card that names the shawl’s maker should be filled out to include the name of the recipient and left in the wall closet or left in the Church Office.
Contact the Church Office at 405-372-5580 if you would like to come by and select a prayer shawl to give to someone in need or for any questions about our Prayer Shawl Ministry. These shawls are available for anyone to select and give, not just pastoral staff, so please feel free to pick one out and give it to someone in your life who has need of prayer.