Second Mile Sewing

Second Mile Sewing meets on the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Wednesday of each month 9:30 am to 12:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. The fellowship is warm and the mission projects are relevant. A project can be found to fit each individual – knitting, quilting, sewing, and more. Currently our Second Mile Sewers are staying busy cutting and sewing buttons on aprons for a project for OKTEP (Oklahoma Tribal Engagement Partners). Past projects have included face masks, walker bibs, felt Christmas stockings for toiletries, and pillows for mastectomy patients to use during recovery. Recently, Second Mile Sewer Barb Henderson was featured in the Stillwater NewsPress for taking on the mastectomy pillow project (see featured story images below).
One of the ongoing projects that Second Mile Sewers oversees is our Prayer Shawl and Prayer Square Ministry. Prayer shawls are crocheted and knitted by members and can be given to individuals experiencing crisis, illness, or transition in their lives such as the death of a loved one or the birth of a new child. Prayer Shawls and Squares are prayed over and blessed in worship, and then are kept in the glass-fronted wall cupboards in the Hospitality Area where they are available to anyone who would like to give one to a friend or family member in need of prayer. Each shawl has two cards: one yellow card that explains the Prayer Shawl ministry and one white card that gives the name of the shawl’s maker. Please write the name of the intended recipient on the white card and leave it in the cupboard, but take the yellow card with the shawl.
All are welcome to join the Second Milers, so grab your unfinished fiber project and come on down! For more information, please contact Barb Henderson at 405-377-6391 or Rosetta Silver at 405-372-6915.