UKIRK- University

UKirk (U=University, Kirk=Church)
We gather on Tuesdays at 7:00pm usually in the Youth Suite, although on February 6th and March 12th we will be doing a cooking class with Tim Schlais in Fellowship Hall. For February and March, our Bible study topic is, “The Devil You Say” including chapters like The Satan in Popular Culture and Satan: So What? This gathering is for all college and college-age folks whether you are currently in school or not! Please, join us.
If you join us on a Sunday morning, please leave your contact information in the red folder found at the inside end of your pew or fill out the small blue card in the pewback in front of you and place that in the offering plate. Then we can reach out and send you additional UKIRK information!
Rachel Schlais is serving as the UKIRK Assistant this spring with support from Elders John te Velde who serves on the University Ministry Committee. If you or someone you know is interested in the role of UKIRK Assistant, please reach out to John at for more information on the position.
Join us for these upcoming All-Church Events!
UKirk is a national network of campus ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
UKirk Stillwater is a ministry of
First Presbyterian Church in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
We have a variety of offerings throughout the year, from Bible study to roller skating
and from mission projects to cookouts.
You are invited to join us for as many opportunities as you like or have time for.
Follow us on social media for regular updates on opportunities for service, fellowship, and study.

Worship and Sunday School

First Presbyterian Church offers two services on Sunday mornings:
- 11:00 am – in-person and on the radio and Facebook Live: listen on the radio here, or join us via Facebook Live here
You are invited to join us when you can!
University Students are invited to join the adult Sunday school classes which meet at 9:45 am on Sunday mornings. More information on current offerings for adults may be found on the Adult Ministry page.

Rachel Schlais is the UKIRK Assistant for the 2023-2024 academic year and Elder John te Velde provides support through the University Ministry.